WiForums FF v4 for vB is now only $50.00
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What are the terms of payment and the duration of usage associated with a WiForums license? |
There are no royalty fees, or accrued payments.
As long as you have not violated any of the terms of usage specified in the WiForums EULA (version specific) you can use the software as long as you see fit.
Is WiForums compatible with various wireless devices other than cellular phones? |
Pocket PC 2002 (Premium) and later Pocket PCs support WML, recent PalmONE and Sony CLIE PDAs come equipped with a WML supporting browser, RIM/Blackberry browsers also support WML, and the list goes on...
WiForums FF v3 features an unprecedented dual-markup WAP creation engine. Mobile devices which fully support WAP 2.0 (XHTML-MP 1.0 and WCSS) will be presented with one of the most eye catching, bandwidth efficient, pure WCSS WAP 2.0 mobile sites on the web.
Isn't WiForums nothing more than a "mod" for various discussion forums? |
All versions of WiForums were developed with nothing more than a database schema on hand, because of this no IPB, phpBB2 or vBulletin code has been used, viewed, referenced or modified.
For example if for whatever reason you decide to erase your web based forum's files and/or directories, your WiForums wireless forum will continue to function normally as long as your WiForums/web forum database is intact.
In most respects WiForums is a stand alone discussion forum application that tailors to the billions of unwired (and unknowingly unwired) mobile users of the world.
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